Posted in Numeracy

Term 2 Week 9 – Symmetry, Heavy and Light and Writing Number 10

During this week we worked on various concepts.

  • Symmetry
  • Heavy and light
  • Number 10


We had already spoken about this a few weeks back when we were exploring the use of paints.  We had created a friendly monster by putting blobs of paint onto a blank sheet of paper and folding it in half.

When we opened the paper again we had an identical array of vibrant colours on both sides.  These monsters are hanging outside on one of our pre-junior b walls.

For this week’s lesson we took a look around us and found things which are symmetrical we also watched a couple of videos and finished with working a page on our Maths Space and Measure workbook.


We also played some games online related to this topic.

Heavy and Light

The children really enjoyed this topic.  The children experimented with physically weighing different objects and seeing for themselves which were heavy and light by using their hands.  We also used small scales for the same reason.

We watched this video clip –

We also worked these pages on the same workbook mentioned above.


Number 10.

The children found number 10 easy to write.

Besides doing the usual lesson of counting objects till 10 and working the usual number 10 writing pages we did a hands on exercise where the children used the numicon shapes to create a 1-10 numberline thus practicing their sequencing.

Here are some of the photos taken in class whilst the children were exploring the numcon shapes prior to creating their number line.

Some points about number 10

  • When we write this number we always start from 1 then 0.
  • The numbers have to be of the same size.
  • They cannot be stuck to each other.


Posted in Literacy

Term 2 Week 9 Writing Letter c

As you know from the topic work blog letter c is the second letter we worked with during this week.

The children found this letter very easy to write as they had already written other caterpillar letters.  Besides coming up with words which start with the letter c sound we also played a first letter sound game online so they can further develop this skill.

They also practiced writing it on the interactive whiteboard after which they proceeded to write the letter on their workbooks.  This is how the pages looked like:

Besides following the letter formation mentioned in the above pages I stress the following points

To help the children get the correct formation:

  • Letter c is written in one motion. We do not lift the pencil from the paper whilst writing it.
  • When we start writing this letter we curve straight away. If we do not do this we end up with letter i.

We practiced these first letter sounds by working the following page.

c formation.png


Posted in Literacy

Term 2 Week 9 Writing Letter s

After finishing the topic work pertaining to the letter s sound (see topic work) the children came up with other words too.

They mentioned many words amongst them spoon, sand, star, seven, sock, spider, snake and Sam.  They also practiced writing this letter on the interactive whiteboard after which they proceeded to write the letter on their workbooks.

This is how the pages looked like:


As you can see from the pages above letter s is a caterpillar letter.  This is because when you start writing it, the letter curves straight away so a caterpillar could actually go round it if the letter existed in three dimensional form.

Besides following the letter formation mentioned in the above pages I stress the following points

To help the children get the correct formation:

  • Letter s is written in one motion. We do not lift the pencil from the paper whilst writing it.
  • The top part and the bottom part have to be of the same size.
  • There are no horizontal lines in s.

We also practiced words with the first letter sounds a and s and then worked the following page.

s formation


Posted in Topic Work

Term 2 Week 9 In the Garden Part 3 continued …

We explored even further into our imaginary garden and found that apart from the sunflowers we also find carrots growing from the soil.

We spoke about how good carrots are for us especially for our eyesight.  The children watched the following and I must say they enjoyed the comical version of the story very much.  They could not stop laughing   🙂

The enormous carrot written by Vladimir Vagen

The Big Carrot written by Alison Hawes

The Big Carrot (The comical version)

After talking about the pictures found in the big carrot the children proceeded to put the pictures in sequence.

The children created a carrot as part of this topic work.


The c for carrot was our second letter for this week.  Go to the literacy blog for more information.


Posted in Topic Work

Term 2 Week 9 In the Garden Part 3

During the 9th week we continued developing the topic “In the Garden”.

We took a closer look at the sunflower we started to talk about during the previous week.  The children watched a story called The Magnificant Sunflower”.

The children learnt that there are people who love to paint the things that they see in nature.  One such person was Van Gogh.  We took a closer look at his painting.

The children then created their own little work of art themselves.  They drew sunflowers in the garden.  The sunflower was also linked to the symmetry in the numeracy topic.  You will find further information in the numeracy blog.

Here are some examples of the sunflowers drawn in class. All are hanging in our classroom.  Well done to all   🙂