Posted in Literacy

Term 1 week 6 Letter k sound

This is the second letter for this week.  We briefly revised the ck concept mentioned in the previous literacy blog and moved on to the k sound.

This letter ties in with the family concept we started today.  Our parents had us children first, we were babies and started growing up to become who we are today.  Just like cats have their babies which we call kittens, these too eventually grow up.  We played games on the interactive whiteboard to reinforce the difference between the c and the k.

We proceeded to words which start with the k sound.  We came up with these words, kite, key, kangaroo, koala, king.  Pictures of every word discussed were put up on the board to help those children who have limited English vocabulary.

The jolly phonics story for the letter k sound is the same for the c sound.

A family is visiting a castle in Spain.  While they are sitting outside a café’, some Spanish dancers appear in the courtyard.  The ladies wear brightly coloured dresses and click castanets going saying, /c,c,c,c/.

(As you can see there are no words starting specifically with k because the emphasis is on the sound not on the written word at this level.)


Action of the letter k sound (Is the same for the c sound).

The action done when saying the k sound is associated with the picture story like all the other letter actions are.  Raise your hands and snap your fingers together as if you are playing castanets saying k,k,k.

Jolly Phonic Rhyme Letter k sound


  • Step 1 – Start at the top
  • Step 2 – Go down
  • Step 3 – A small bounce
  • Step 4 – Make a loop
  • Step 5 – And kick



It is important that you use this formation of letter k not the one we as adults are familiar with.

Practice Ideas For Home

  • You can practice the letter formation by using a white board and colourful washable markers using the steps above.
  • You can place about 5 objects or pictures on the table, amongst which you have objects starting with the letter k
  • Look for things around you which start with the k. Say the name of each object emphasizing and exaggerating the first letter sound of each object and ask your child if that object or picture starts with the letter sound k.  This is a skill which needs loads of practice, so don’t get worried if they are not understanding as yet what this means.  Praise at this point is very important to build their confidence  🙂

The children practiced the formation of this letter on their letter scrapbook where they created their own kite because Pete the Cat loves flying kites.  The children decorated it with various coloured square papers.

They also worked on their literacy workbook where they had to recognize letter k amongst other letters and circle them.  They also circled pictures which start with the letter k sound.


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