Posted in Class Notices

Required Items

I know the majority of you have sent in most of the items, however I am sending a list of the things and other requirements needed just in case you want to double check.

If you have already sent in the items and documents please ignore the email.

  1. Filled in consent forms
  2. Passport sized photos
  3. Four normal size photos of your son/daughter (1 photo representing each stage of his/her childhood till he/she turned 3/4 years – these photos will be used to chart his/her growth).
  4. A photo of your pet (if any) or a picture of an animal they like (to be used in class activities)
  5. Immunisation forms if your child has had an innoculation in the past year.
  6. Workbooks purchased today – labelled and covered by Friday please
  7. I know all of you gave agreed by word of mouth that photos taken in class can be uploaded on the blog.  However it is important that you send in the signed consent form in this regard.
  8. Navy blue overall
  9. Small cushion for circle time

Thank you for your co-operation.

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